Wakaf Beneficiaries

Wakaf uplifts and benefits every member of the Singapore Muslim community. As a wakif, your intentions must be clear when you set up your Wakaf. This includes identifying and specifying beneficiaries that are aligned to pious, religious, and charitable causes.

Masjid Yusof Ishak


By indicating a mosque as your Wakaf beneficiary, you help to:

  • Promote the mosque’s longevity by footing expenses incurred in the enhancement and enlargement of the mosque building and premises, among others.
  • Sustain the administration and management of the mosque.
  • Preserve the observance of Islamic rites
    and ceremonies.


With madrasahs as a Wakaf beneficiary, the income generated help to:

  • Perpetuate Islamic education by sponsoring the education of our future religious leaders.
  • Sustain madrasahs through funding their maintenance and upkeep so that students can enjoy a conducive and comfortable
    learning environment.
  • Bolster the financial resilience of madrasahs by providing a sustainable source of income to pay for their key educational programmes
    and operations.


Wakafs can provide financial assistance to Muslim organisations and community help groups running programmes to assist the poor,
needy, and the vulnerable.

This may be through financing of burial costs, provision of necessities, or medical services.

Traditional wakaf may also benefit relatives of the wakifs throughout generations with a portion of
the income.