Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura

Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura (WMS) is a multi-asset community endowment fund where a single contribution will dynamically support three groups of beneficiaries as and when the need arises. WMS will generate returns to benefit:


Mosques & Madrasahs

Supporting mosques & madrasahs, including supplementing costs of land lease renewals


Asatizah Development

Strengthening and developing Asatizah sector including training & upskilling programmes

Community Efforts

Community Support

Supporting socio-religious programmes aimed at uplifting the Muslim community

How is WMS different from MBMF?

Wakaf Ilmu

Wakaf Ilmu contributes to:

  • Nurture future religious leaders
  • Empower Muslims through Islamic education programmes
  • Provide a stable source of income for madrasahs, reducing pressure for them to fundraise and seek donations every year